New dance families often wonder how to determine if their child will enjoy dance as a new activity, wanting that sweet spot of finding an activity that balances fun, learning, and social development. Some parents are not sure how to approach trial or intro classes in a way that avoids putting too much pressure on the child, gives them the space to explore without the influence of adult opinions, and allows them to determine if the activity is something the child will enjoy for several months.
We offer the following guidelines to help you evaluate your own young dancer, and remember, all children are different. Some of our most successful dancers started out crying for their mom, or minimally participated in the first class. Crying for their parent, asking for a drink or the bathroom, and even refusal to enter the studio are not necessarily signs that the child doesn’t like dance. It’s something new and what they might have imagined about dance while twirling and tip toeing at home is very different from an organized activity with a Teacher. As a wise woman once said, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Don’t Give Up if Your Dancer*:
The child might need a change if *:
The change could be:
*Readiness indicators used with permission from our friends at Comments are closed.
AuthorModern Motion Dance School Archives
October 2024