Modern Motion is pleased to announce its newest class offering for youngsters aged 2-3 years old. From the creative mind of our own Hannah Sego, we proudly share the following introduction and background for the class. Dance With Me gives our tiniest dancers the opportunity to dance with their adults. Focused on creative movement with hints of ballet technique, this half hour class is fun and full of exercise. Starting off with slow floor work and working our way up to running and spinning, the class is a great bonding experience for young dancers and their adults. The whole curriculum is arranged so that every moment is interactive and movement filled.
Entering the dance studio can be a very intimidating experience for younger dancers. The large empty room, new adults and a bunch of new kids can be scary for little ones. This class gives those students, who may be timid to participate on their own, the opportunity to experience dance with the comfort of a familiar face. Through the class, the dancers will gain independence within the dance setting and learn basic skills that will help them progress into the next level of dance. Having an adult per student in the classroom also allows the students to master the dance material very quickly. This allows for a large variety of subject matter to be covered within the class. In addition to benefiting the young dancers, this class is great aerobic exercise for the participating adult. Starting with a slow warm up and working our way up to constant running, spinning and jumping, the class will definitely cause you to break a sweat. It also aids in furthering flexibility and coordination. Dance With Me is a fun filled class for both the adult and young dancer. Hannah Sego Read Hannah's bio here.
AuthorModern Motion Dance School Archives
October 2024